Proverbs Study Day 10

Welcome to day 10 of Proverbs. I am excited to hear what God has to tell us today!

Proverbs 10
The Proverbs of Solomon
The proverbs of Solomon: A wise child brings joy to a father; a foolish child brings grief to a mother. Tainted wealth has no lasting value, but right living can save your life. The lord will not let the godly go hungry, but he refuses to satisfy the craving of the wicked. Lazy people are soon poor; hard workers get rich. A wise youth harvests in the summer, but one who sleeps during harvest is a disgrace. The godly are showered with blessings; the words of the wicked conceal violent intentions. We have happy memories of the godly, but the name of a wicked person rots away. The wise are glad to be instructed, but babbling fools fall flat on their faces. People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will be exposed.
People who wink at wrong cause trouble, but a bold reproof promotes peace. The words of the godly are a life-giving mountain; the words of the wicked conceal violent intentions. Hatred stirs up quarrels, but love makes up for all offenses. Wise words come from the lips of people with understanding, but those lacking sense will be beaten with a rod.
Wise people treasure knowledge, but the babbling of a fool invites disaster. The wealth of the rich is their fortress; the poverty of the poor is their destruction. The earnings of the godly enhance their lives, but evil people squander their money on sin. People who accept discipline are on the pathway to life, but those who ignore correction will go astray. Hiding hatred makes you a liar; slandering others makes you a fool. Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut. The words of the godly are like sterling silver; the heart of a fool is worthless. The words of the godly encourage many, but fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense. The blessing of the lord makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.
Doing wrong is fun for a fool, but living wisely brings pleasure to the sensible. The fears of the wicked will be fulfilled; the hopes of the godly will be granted. When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away, but the godly have a lasting foundation. Lazy people irritate their employers, like vinegar to the teeth or smoke in the eyes. Fear of the lord lengthens one’s life, but the years of the wicked are cut short. The hopes of the godly result in happiness, but the expectations of the wicked come to nothing. The way of the lord is a stronghold to those with integrity, but it destroys the wicked. The godly will never be disturbed, but the wicked will be removed from the land. The mouth of the godly person gives wise advice, but the tongue that deceives will be cut off. The lips of the godly speak helpful words, but the mouth of the wicked speaks perverse words.

What have I taken away from this chapter today:
What strikes me the most today is that this chapter repeats the idea that the mouth of a godly person gives wise advice and wise words. Now, calling myself a godly woman has always been difficult, as I feel completely unqualified and that I fall way short. However, I can say that as I go throughout my day and when I sit here to write, I am relying on God to work through me. As I write, speak and listen, I am always hoping that there is an opportunity to bring something useful to another person. I desire to see God working in this life and just know that He will use me if I allow Him to.
I have always enjoyed writing and have always been insecure in it. When starting this blog, I struggled with publishing it and sharing. God was telling me that it was needed. My heart was telling me that we all need to share more with each other and that we are not alone in our struggles.
I look to bring joy to Jesus and to His children He brings along my path. Even if the words I publish bring a small comfort to just one person, I am happy. I don’t need to know that an impact is made. I only need to know where my heart is when I am writing and to have faith that it goes where it is needed.
I feel that I am showered with blessing each and every day. I am so imperfect and often cannot bear myself when I am in a bad place. We are all human and no one can be expected to reach the standard that Jesus met. I am glad to be instructed by my Lord and am glad to share those experiences with you all. I hope and pray that His word reaches your heart today.
My prayer for today:
Lord, hear my cry for You. My heart thirsts for You. Use me Lord, shine through me and work in my life. I pray that the people You bring to me are impacted by Your power and the transformations they see taking place. I thank You for Your Word and Your unending and underserved Grace. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, I pray these things.

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